Dilute Thieves Laundry Soap To Last 3X As Long!

I’m pretty excited to share about this Thieves laundry soap with you. I’m all about using healthy items, but if I can stretch those items to last even longer and make it budget friendly? I’m totally sold and in love with that item!

The Thieves Laundry Soap is an amazing plant based laundry detergent that is truly safe and natural for you to use. I don’t know about you, but I can’t handle all the fake fragrances and strong chemicals found in all the name brand detergents. Thankfully my mom couldn’t handle the smells either, so we grew up using more natural products.

The Thieves soap has Thieves, Jade Lemon, and Bergamot essential oils in it, which are all excellent oils! Lemon is known for being great at taking out stains.

This non-toxic soap is free of:

 SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate)

This is an emulsifier and foaming agent that has been linked to cancer, organ toxicity, skin irritation, and endocrine description according to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database.


This petroleum derivative can clog pores, prevent skin from releasing toxins and could even lead to skin cancer after prolonged exposure.


A human carcinogen which can be found in hair products, cosmetics, etc. I’ve known for along time to avoid this product for sure.


This is a major source of water pollution.

Synthetic perfume

A horrible mixture of different chemicals to make a certain scent that can lead to toxic substances linked to skin irritation, headaches, irritability, cancer, lung disease, reproductive implications, etc.

Optical brighteners

Synthetic brightening agents that have been connected with skin allergies. Have a child broken out in a mysterious rash? You might try changing your laundry to something more natural right away.

These toxic chemicals are found in most laundry detergents. It’s so easy to grab something off the shelf at the store without even thinking about the products found in it, and how horrible they really are.

Stretch The Laundry Soap 3X!

So now that you know how natural the laundry soap is…I have more great news for you. This product is ultra concentrated, so you can easily make this bottle stretch 3X longer than it says. Which is awesome, because it makes it super affordable then!

When you are a Young Living member and get the 24% off, the price is $29.99, which is higher than I would ever pay for laundry soap!

But when you stretch it times 3, it comes out to just $7.80 per bottle, which gives you 64 loads at 12 cents each! Such an awesome price, especially for being all natural! 

Ok, so how do you go about doing this? It’s extremely easy.

First, you need to order these 3 pump bottles from Amazon. They are BPA free, and good to keep this laundry soap in.

You also need 1 of the Thieves Laundry soap, 1 bottle of the Thieves Household cleaner (sorry, I forgot to add that in the picture!), and optional, some extra essential oils like lemon, purification, or lavender.

Take the bottle of your laundry soap and divide it up evenly in your 3 containers.

Next, take two capfuls of the Thieves household cleaner and add it to each bottle. This gives it an extra boost and helps all those laundry stains.

Finally, you could add some extra essential oils in if you wanted. I added some lemon and lavender to mine. I wanted to add purification but I discovered my bottle was empty! This is totally optional, I just wanted to for the extra smell and cleaning power.

Fill the rest of the bottle up with water, add the pump lid and gently shake the bottle.

To use, all you need is 2 pumps each time you do laundry!

I have tested this, and so far I really like it! I had some baby clothes that were really dirty and they all came clean! It smells good, it’s affordable, and so good for your whole family.

The Thieves Household Cleaner is another products that be stretched to be less than $1.00 a bottle. We use it all the time for cleaning counters, sinks, bathroom, and even make a pots and pans scrub with it!

If you are not a member of Young Living, this month only you can join and get a starter kit of 12 oils, a beautiful diffuser, some ningxia red drinks, hand sanitizer and more for just $165 and receive free shipping! Plus, join with the ER option and get a free bottle of Valor and Lavender Hand Soap! (The month of March)

If you decide to grab the starter kit and also want to add the thieves laundry soap and household cleaner onto your first order, it would still qualify for the free shipping! 

This gives you an idea of what you would get this month when you join and select the ER option. I’ll send you all these glass bottles for free, plus the printables on how to use your oils, plus you get to join our community on Facebook!

I hope this is helpful, and gives you ideas on just how affordable it can be to ditch the chemicals and switch over to something natural.

For more info on how to join, go here.



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      1. If you have a chance sometime, could you let me know (like pump your 2 pumps into the Original Thieves soap cap and see where it is)?

  1. Thanks for this hack! Did you peel the laundry label off the thieves bottle to put on your glass bottle with pump or did you order the extra label somewhere?!

        1. I just was able to do it really slowly! It stuck to the pump bottle, but the edge came off a little bit. Not perfect, but good enough for me. 🙂

  2. So, if I put 9 caps of the cleaner solution with the soap diluted 6x, I can use 1oz instead of 3oz per load? Has anyone tried like this?

  3. Please let me know what size of bottles you are using.. as that obviously determines the amount of water.. and if the bottle is too big it will end up being too diluted,
    Thank you!

  4. I have been using this per your directions, although I do use more because my washer is not HE. I did choose to add purification to the bottles. I am loving this except that my whites are not coming out white anymore. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could add for whites? I have been adding a some lemon oil to each load, but maybe not enough? I would love to continue using this, but I want my white socks to come out white. Thought you might have some suggestions. Thanks!

  5. I have not purchased the thieves household cleaner – Im wondering if the laundry detergent can be diluted 3 times with adding the thieves EO rather than the cleaner?

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