Nicole The Math Lady for Saxon Math!

Nicole the Math Lady has literally transformed the math experience for my oldest daughter.

Carrianna started in Kindergarten using Horizons, and then we switched to Teaching Textbooks. While I loved how hands off Teaching Textbook was, I realized after a few years that my children were not learning the math facts and actually having them stick, and it just wasn’t challenging them enough. We stopped using Teaching Textbooks a few years ago, and I’ve seen a lot of math growth since we switched.

I used Saxon when I was being homeschooled. I struggled understanding math and there was not nearly the resources available 20 years ago as there are now. After looking through all the math options that are out there, I decided to give Saxon a try. A good friend of mine has told me for years now how well her children do in Saxon, so I thought it was time to at least see if it worked for my children.

While I knew I wanted the rigor and consistent spiral type approach with Saxon, I also knew I needed help with teaching the upper grades, because I’m not the best at upper level math myself.

After deciding we wanted to try Saxon Math, I started hearing lots of homeschooling moms rave about Nicole the Math Lady in the homeschool Facebook groups I’m in. My curiosity was peaked, and after I kept reading so many glowing reports, I decided we would get a subscription for a year and try it out.

Two years later, it is hands down, the best decision I’ve made in quite awhile. 

Carrianna started Saxon in 7th grade. It was a rough year. Teaching Textbooks had not taught her up to the level Saxon had her start with in 7th grade, so we started half way through the 6th grade Saxon book, which made her feel like she was terrible at math. Once she had completed that she then started the 7th grade book.

She liked using Saxon, but had a hard time transitioning to the different style of teaching and the more rigorous concept. Plus, she is a perfectionist and was constantly stressed by not getting each problem correct. It became a huge deal. I was at my wits end, and didn’t know what to do.

Thankfully, Nicole helped us with this!

We met her at one of the Great Homeschool Conventions we attended with our homeschool business, and I had Carrianna go and talk to her. Nicole gave her an amazing pep talk, and encouraged her to not be discouraged about the problems she was getting wrong, and to stop being so stressed about getting a problem wrong. Nicole also told her some things to do differently, and it helped so much!

That one talk literally changed our 8th grade experience with Saxon math. Her attitude has been amazing this year with almost zero stressful moments. She has pushed through all the hard moments and is almost done with the whole math book for the year, which is probably the second time that has ever happened! (I know, it’s bad!) . I’m incredibly thankful for Nicole the Math Lady.

Who is Nicole?

Nicole is a wife, a mom, a Stanford graduate and a former math tutor. She has learned how to communicate and teach math in an engaging and fun way. My daughter said she is very funny and honest, and never she complains about watching her videos each day.

Nicole the Math lady is a subscription based program that uses exclusively Saxon Math books. She has grades 3rd through high school available on the website.

You can do a basic plan of watching the videos each day that teach the lesson, or you can add on self grading (an amazing option!), or you can do both of those options plus the study hall (I suggest this for high school for sure!).

The videos are usually up to 5 minutes, but occasionally there are some that are 15 minutes long.  Nicole makes the videos engaging, fun, and teaches in a way that helps children actually learn. I never thought I would put my children in Saxon Math, and the only reason is because of Nicole!

Sign up for a free trial subscription here! 



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  1. This sounds really good. I have old Saxon books from my high school days. Do I need to get upgraded ones?

  2. This sounds so interesting! I read that you use TGATB Math for K-3rd. Curious why you switch after 3rd grade to something different? I just love to read your experiences with curriculum since you’ve used lots of different things. Nicole sounds wonderful!

  3. It wasn’t till she actually met Nicole that she started improving? I am trying to figure out what to do with my 4th and 6th grader. They are using Abeka and we are ready to switch, but I am not feeling like Teaching Textbooks is the answer. I have been checking into Saxon and with the Nicole videos I was hoping it would be much more clear.

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